
Category: Progress and Updates

  • Test Prints from Ivory Graphics – Review

    Test Prints from Ivory Graphics – Review

    I received my first professional game card prints from Ivory Graphics, UK, and the output was impressive, featuring excellent card stock quality that feels great, shuffles well, and arrives in a stylish box. Despite this, the cards slightly lacked the color intensity seen in my home Canon G650 prints, particularly in the red and blue…

  • Paradice 2024 – The Good and the Bad

    Paradice 2024 – The Good and the Bad

    First of all, we want to say a HUGE thank you if you came and playtested with us at Paradice. We had great fun playing with you all, and we can’t wait to see you at the next one! You shared some fantastic feedback with us during the event, and we’ll delve into some stats…

  • Now on Tabletop Simulator

    Now on Tabletop Simulator

    Quaeleon’s Quest is now fully accessible for free on Tabletop Simulator. Players can enjoy playing the game at their convenience.

  • Exciting Times Ahead for Quaeleon: November in Review

    Exciting Times Ahead for Quaeleon: November in Review

    November has been a month of research. We’ve had manufacturing quotes, kickstarter research, board gaming and loads of videos to watch.
