



Jubbly – the card creator software

Lovely Jubbly! In April we decided to take the tools we’ve been using to make our cards and package it up into a neat little piece of software I call “Jubbly”. It allows you to create whole decks of cards in a matter of minutes.

  • Magic Beasts and Alchemy expansions created.
  • Attended Baycon gaming convention in Exeter.
  • Adapting all of the artworks to better suit the final printing methods we’ll be using.
  • Lots of social media and marketing content creation!


Test prints from Ivory Graphics

March saw the first professional test prints come through – these took a quite a long time to prep for, getting all the packaging and artwork ready. Aside from this a lot of time has been dedicated to making content and research!

  • First test deck printed at Ivory Graphics in the UK.
  • Artwork for all packaging and cards drafted.
  • A lot of scripting, prepping and filming of videos!
  • Experimenting on TikTok with different video formats.


Paradice Gaming Convention, Worthing

In February we attended the Paradice gaming convention in Worthing. We had a great time and got lots of great feedback, and met some interesting people to boot!

  • First blind playtests with Necromancy expansion.
  • Paradice gaming convention.
  • Work on a game tracking API, so that important and revealing game stats are tracked from the Tabletop Simulator version (and potentially other versions).
  • Processing of feedback from Paradice, including rules changes and card tweaks.
  • Participated in a rules exchange.
  • Lots of work on getting the cards and packaging print ready, including further talks with suppliers.
  • Work on the cards to remove the possibility of any loops (with great help from some VIP supporters, thanks @Chakan!)
  • Filming of our “60s Short Intro to Qualeon” video – great fun, thank you Matt and Sammie for helping!


Torvald’s Contract, a Necromancy card

After recovering from the holiday break illness, which lasted into the second week of January🤒 we got back on track, and created the first expansion: Necromancy.

  • Creation of first expansion: Necromancy
  • Testing of the Necromancy deck
  • Updated the Tabletop Simulator game to include Necromancy cards
  • Updated Tabletop Simulator to be able to easily update all the cards when necessary



Lots of photos generated in December

December was a time of respite for us. We had been working hard and took a break over Christmas. During the holidays Harry fell ill for 2 weeks so progress stalled a bit 🤒

  • A lot of work on getting the free Tabletop Simulator version ready
  • Many friday evening livestreams
  • Preparation for content over the holidays
  • Christmas photoshoot
  • Slight tweaks to card layout and card wordings


  • Marketing research
  • Improvements to the Health Tracker app
  • Manufacturing quotes
  • Playtesting, playtesting, playtesting
  • Attending events


Stickers! We forgot to take them to HandyCon 10 though 🤦

In October we have mostly focussed on doing a lot of playtesting, preparing for HandyCon 10 and creating some “marketing” material.

  • Created a textured and rigged version of the cards and box in Blender to facilitate creating 3D scenes and animations.
  • Got some stickers printed.
  • Prepared a load of material for HandyCon 10, including posters, surveys, rules, a giant card, etc
  • Created a “Quick Start” guide / poster
  • Prepared and printed multiple copies of the latest version of the game
  • Attended HandyCon from 27th to 29th October (read more here)
  • Focussed on networking and following up with contacts
  • Cogitating and planning based on feedback from the playtests at HandyCon
Still further improvements in AI is helping to insert specific characters into card artworks. This is Saorise the Fireborn, who appears on the Stored Power card, now also on Whirlwind.


September saw some interesting new playtests with new people. These playtests led to us rewording and otherwise changing a lot of cards to improve clarity and ease of parsing the cards. We also did a lot of work on the lore side to try and establish the cards as part of a consistent world.

  • Consistent wording for card effects, especially across similar effect types.
  • Simplified wording for many effects.
  • Established a place in the greater lore of the world for all the cards, and changed some cards which didn’t fit.
  • Removed automatic highlighting of words on cards in favour of manual highlighting.
  • Focussed on improving gameplay by directly targeting player psychometrics.
  • First version of health tracker cards printed and tested.
  • New AI tools are starting to allow consistent characters across many artworks – there was a lot of experimentation with this.
  • Initial box design mocked up.
Even just 2 months after starting, AI image generation had come along further leaps and bounds, resulting in the highest levels of detail yet, with much fewer flaws.


August was a month of refinement and tertiary progress. Things aside from the core game were worked on a lot, and further advances in AI image generation meant lots of fantastic new imagery.

  • Statistical analysis of cards to improve game flow.
  • Health tracker app created.
  • “Underworld” faction introduced.
  • Game uploaded to Tabletopia.
  • Card layout changed for readability.
  • Website created.
Advances in AI image generation technology and techniques allowed for much greater detail in the artwork, and higher resolution images. Not without it’s problems, though – note the little people everywhere, including in Peridot’s hair!


July saw lots of playtesting, with lots of slight card revisions.

  • Lots of slight card revisions – Punji Pit was renamed Spike Trap for cultural sensitivity reasons.
  • Card back design created.
  • Logo finalised.
  • Extended lore creation underway.
  • Yellow settled as the colour of the Kingsmen.
  • Health tracker cards created
The first card artwork generated with Stable Diffusion 1.5.


Where it all started. Progress was very rapid at the beginning, with the first version of the cards created within a few weeks. In reality, work started during May, but really June birthed version 0.1.0.

  • Initial concept created.
  • First version created, first deck printed, first faction introduced (Dragons).
  • Concept of ‘The Field‘ created.
  • Recruiting mechanic introduced.
  • Recruiting playtested and accepted as part of the deck going forward, birthing version 0.2.0.
  • Second faction introduced (Kingsmen).
  • Too much healing was slowing the game down, so some healing cards were removed.

Future Timeline

Future plans include:

  • More playtesting.
  • Production sampling.
  • Sending out review kits.