

Is this a trading card game?

Nope! Everything you need to play is in one deck, which is shared among players.

There are expansions available that help to change up the gameplay.

How do I use an expansion?

We typically advise removing one faction and replacing it with the expansion.

You can remove the faction of your choice – we would recommend starting by removing the Dragon faction.

Alternatively, you can just shuffle the expansion into the deck if that’s your preference, however, it will be harder to synergies between cards that way.

What order do doubling and adding cards go in?

With cards that add, subtract, multiply or divide stats – the cards should be applied in the order they were activated.

You can find more information, with a worked example, here.

As an example, if you played Grimian Warships with 10 attack:

and then you played Galban’s Strength and then Deal with A Devil, you add 5 and then double, so (10+5) * 2 = 30 total damage.

If, however, you played them the other way around, it would be doubled and then add 5, so (10 * 2) + 5 = 25 total damage.
