Reserve your copy of Quaeleon’s Quest now and get exclusive V.I.P backer rewards.

To receive these benefits, place a £1 optional and refundable deposit, and you’ll be locked in as a Quaeleon’s Quest V.I.P.

What benefits do V.I.P’s get?

  • An exclusive Quaeleon’s Quest V.I.P health tracker.
  • Be the first in line for the best deals on Kickstarter, saving up to £24.
  • Access to our V.I.P area on discord.
  • You name listed as a V.I.P backer on our website.
  • Chance to win a free copy of the game.

Why are we asking for this £1 reservation? Your reservation helps us to gauge true demand for our product before we launch on Kickstarter. This helps us reduce the risk for our backers by making sure enough people are aware and interested before launching our campaign.

Reserve your spot today for just



What does my £1 reservation achieve?

Your reservation helps us gauge the demand for our product before launching our campaign. This lets us launch at the correct time, when we think enough people are aware of our product and are likely to back before going live. This makes it far more likely that our campaign will be successful, and that you’ll get the high quality game you deserve!

Can I change my mind and cancel my reservation?

Absolutely! At any point if you’d like to cancel your reservation, just let us know by contacting us. You can still back us when the time comes, and we’ll still let you know when we launch – but you won’t receive the V.I.P benefits mentioned above.

When will I receive my V.I.P benefits?

Immediate Rewards: Upon checking out with your reservation, you will receive an email with an invite to our V.I.P discord server. You will also be signed up for our V.I.P newsletter channel and receive occasional V.I.P supporter updates.

Once the campaign starts: Your name will be added to the list of V.I.P supporters on our website.

After the campaign ends: Once the campaign ends and all pledges are confirmed, your exclusive V.I.P health tracker will be automatically added to your pledge and mailed out to you, as long as you back one of the main reward tiers featuring the base game.

How do you match up my reservation with my pledge?

Pledges will be matched using your email address, so please use the same email for your reservation as for your final pledge! If you have reserved using an alternate email, please contact us.

Can I reserve more than once?

Reserving more than once using the same email address is not supported. Additional reservations will not provide any extra benefit.

Low risk

Back today with little to no risk – you can cancel your reservation at any time and receive a 100% refund.

If you do decide to back, your reservation will net you discounts greater than the reservation fee (minimum £2 for early backers).

Secure Payment

Payments are processed securely by Stripe’s secure payment network.

Your credit card information is not stored in any way by us. Stripe is one of the largest payment providers globally, handling billions of transactions every year totalling over $1 trillion.

Vibrant Community

Join other V.I.P backers in our community discord. As a V.I.P you’ll get access to exclusive channels.

Not only do V.I.P backers get an exclusive newsletter, you get access to private Discord channels where the game authors frequently engage with the community.

Quick To Learn

Start with 50 health, deal 7 cards to each player and choose up to 5 to form your stack.

The top card from each players’ stack play out against eachother.

Once stacks are empty, deal 5 cards and repeat until one player remains.

Learn to Play in 5 Minutes

Takes just 5 minutes to learn, and 20 minutes to play.

Hundreds of playtests back the fun, strategic gameplay.

A rich narrative drives the cards, discover the events through flavour text.
